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Board . Departments . Divisions
Giovambattista Scuticchio Foderaro
*** UPDATING ***
Head of DEFENSE Department

*** UPDATING ***
Head of TRADE Division

Shols, Wildman & Associates
Legal Advisory . Trade Affairs WW

Paul Huff Reeker
Head of Tax Credit Advisory

Massimiliano Savi
Head of TRADE, FINANCE & Estate Affairs

Quinto Scuticchio Orlandini
Trade Affairs Specialist CHINA

Arbiya Nassar
Strategist . Infrastructure Specialist MENA
Laura Gazal
Press & Communication Specialist 
*** UPDATING ***
Head of INFRASTRUCTURE Department

Gualtiero Maria Andrea Maalo
Head of Corporate Associationism & Enterprises Affairs

J. D. Kretschmer
Head of FINANCE Division

Davide Norini Dossi
Head of Operations . HEALTH Dep. & SAFETY Div.

Fabrizio Cervi
Head of Security & SAFETY Operations

Aida Roseti de Bruijn
Strategist . Operation Manager

Marco Correra
Counselor . Corporate Advisory Board

Robert Liman
Operation Manager . TRADE Division Officer
Larisa Reihl Arthurovna Galiandina
Head of HEALTH Department

Sebastian Shols von Nürnberg
Head of LEGAL Affairs

Micaela de Maria Sermione
Diplomacy Affairs . Policy & Advocacy Advisory

*** UPDATING ***
Head of Cyber Security

Abigale Stokge
Strategist . CDO

Rania Mestiri
Developer . Strategist MAGREB

Camille Arnaoud
Communicator . Marketing Developer
Via Vittorio Veneto, 00187 - Rome . ITALY   .   Piazza San Sepolcro, 20123 - Milan . ITALY   -   Bloomsbury Square, WC1A 2 - London . UK
VR CORPORATENEXT, held by VR GROUP, founded by Giovambattista Scuticchio Foderaro, is a worldwide Corporate Advisory and Intergovernmental Affairs firm.
All rights reserved   .  VR CORPORATENEXT - IT15894711009   .  © 2015 - 2025 . A VR GROUP WORLDWIDE Company - Italy . UK    .    +39 02 56 56 91 41     +44 20 808 97 97 8

REA: RM-1621261 . IT C.A. 70.22.09 . UK R.C.N. CB8733877X01 . LEI: 9845007B1EC960867F14 . NATO CAGE: AT117  .  UNITED NATIONS GM Number: 721118  .  UK FCDO ID: 1280897  .  US GOV U.E. ID: ECBRGKKMDSZ8

Via Vittorio Veneto, 00187 - Rome . ITALY   .   Piazza San Sepolcro, 20123 - Milan . ITALY   -   Bloomsbury Square, WC1A 2 - London . UK

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